Welcome to my little corner of the web.
The main pages I had planned are complete. I had plans for other pages, but I've kind of lost motivation to actual continue working on it. I'll keep the website up still, just don't expect any updates anytime soon.
As always, this site is eternally
I wasn't really alive to experience any of it myself but I've found myself intrigued by the early web, prior to the rise of social media, where people made their own websites, as amateur as they may be, to share and talk about whatever they wanted. The times where people would actually surf the web, explore. Before the consolidation of content within social media.
I’ve been inspired to make for myself an old school, web 1.0 style website; a space for myself, free from all the algorithms pushing neverending streams of curated content, from the bots and AI slop filling social media. Welcome to my little retreat in the depths of the web.